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Acoustics A12

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Acoustics A12


Information and Consultation of the Public pursuant to Article 8 of Legislative Decree 194/2005 “Implementation of Directive 2002/49/EC relating to the Assessment and Management of Environmental Noise”.

Legislative Decree 194/2005 “Implementation of Directive 2002/49/EC relating to the assessment and management of environmental noise” places an obligation on companies and bodies managing public transport services, or the related infrastructures, to draw up noise mapping and action plans for major roads.

In compliance with the requirements of Article 8 of Legislative Decree 194/2005, paragraphs 1, 2 and 3, regarding the information and consultation of the public on the Action Plans, SALT S.p.A. proceeds to the publication of the Proposed Action Plan related to the motorway routes A12 (Code RD_IT_0015_001), A11 (Code RD_IT_0015_002) and A15 (Code RD_IT_0015_003) on the institutional website and also by means of notices on newspapers.

The Action Plan identifies the noise pollution problems, their effects, the actions and interventions that must be implemented to control the phenomenon of environmental noise pollution, starting from the analyses already carried out in the Acoustic Mapping, which assesses the noise levels produced by the motorway infrastructure.

It is also specified that, starting from 24/05/2024 for 45 natural and consecutive days, anyone may submit written comments and memoranda using the following methods:

  • Registered mail with return receipt addressed to the Technical Department at “SALT P.A. – Tronco Autocisa, via Don Enrico Tazzoli,9 – 55041 Lido di Camaiore (LU)”, indicating on the envelope the following or in the subject line ‘Action Plan 2018-2022. Observations pursuant to Legislative Decree 194/2005’.
  • PEC (certified e-mail) at the following address:

The deadline for receiving proposals and comments from citizens is 07/07/2024 inclusive.

The observations received will be evaluated for the purpose of drawing up the final version of the Action Plan.

Pursuant to art. 4 paragraph 8 of the same D. Decree, the Action Plans acknowledge and update the Noise Containment and Abatement Plans drawn up pursuant to the DMA 29.11.2000, which the undersigned Company sent to the competent Bodies and whose first draft (relating to the period from 11 March 2011 to 1 January 2014) was approved by Decree of the Ministry of the Environment pr.2011-0000029 of 11/3/2011.

On 15 January 2013 SALT P.A. presented the second part of the plan (covering the period from 1 January 2014 to 31 December 2018), which still needs to be approved by the Ministry of Environment.

On the website it is possible to consult the Communication Report, which not only summarises the fundamental steps of the project path that led to the definition of the Remediation Plan interventions, the data provided by the Manager to the competent Administrations and the approval aspects, but also reports the status of the Plan implementation and the mitigation interventions planned for the period 2023-2028.

In the plans are represented with different symbols the mitigation interventions foreseen by the Action Plan in the period 2023-2028, the mitigation interventions carried out also in occasion of the previous Action Plans, the mitigation interventions currently being planned or carried out.

Pursuant to Article 3(6) of the aforementioned decree, in June 2022 SALT P.A. drew up and forwarded to the competent bodies an updated version of the Noise Map for the year 2021 for the A12, A15, A11/12 Salt Tronco Ligure Toscano motorway section, in order to facilitate its dissemination to the public, as required by Article 9 of Directive 2002/49/EC, and makes it available on its website.

As of 5 June 2024, Società Concessioni del Tirreno took over from SALT the management of the motorway sections A12 Sestri Levante-Livorno, A11/A12 Viareggio-Lucca, A15 branch road to La Spezia.

The concession contract was signed on 18/01/2022 following the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport decree no. 715 of 16/11/2021.

In accordance with the public information and consultation obligations set forth in Article 8 of Legislative Decree No. 194/2005, the Proposed Action Plan 2023-2028 relating to the above-mentioned motorway sections is therefore also reported.

Last update: 15/07/2024